

New 12.5 MW straw boiler plant connected in the existing building at the straw heating plant "Stop 39"

The new straw fired plant from Linka Energy will contribute to SK Forsyning's strategy - running towards 2025 - about a sustainable future with the use of others CO2-neutral energy sources other than gas.

As the price of straw is very competitive in relation to the price of natural gas and with a straw-fired plant of this size, sustainability is also ensured. Therefore, the new straw boiler plant helps to ensure consumers both robust energy prices and a future-proof plant.

In addition to financial savings for SK Forsyning and consumers, the new straw boiler plant will result in an annual reduction of CO2 emissions of approx. 20,000 tons.

The plant

The plant consist of a 12.5 MW Linka® straw boiler with our unique, patented combustion technology, where combustion of the flue gases occurs completely and the CO content is further reduced and the fuel is utilized to the maximum.

Firing of the straw is done via the Linka® TWIN straw shredder system – a highly and well-proven technology – also developed to achieve the highest possible efficiency.

Linka's straw boiler plant can burn different types of straw - and of course it is also possible to burn seed grass, rapeseed and similar.

A 12,5 MW Linka® straw boiler plant is fully automatic and state-of-the-art, dimensioned to run staff-free for 72 hours of operation and can also be monitored remotely, which means that consumers are always guaranteed access to heat.


Customer: ENVAFORS A/S
Location: Slagelse, Denmark
Fuel type: Straw
Plant size: 12,5 MW
Plant type: Linka Hot water system
Energy type: District heating
Year: 2022

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Reduction in CO2 emission



Boiler size



Operating time

72 hours


"As a district heating plant, we have a great responsibility for the environment, which is why we have focused on a highly efficient and sustainable heating system that is powered by biofuel."

Carsten Lunde, Energy manager
Envafors A/S